Week #129 – WANTED: Happyness Spreaders!

Spread Happyness! (photo credit: Grace Church)

Week #129 – WANTED: Happyness Spreaders!

Greetings, Happyness Tribe!

Last week’s post about Stephanie Jones’ “Giving Challenge” reminded me about one of the things I love most about this blog: sharing OTHER people’s stories!

I went back through my posts — all 128 weeks — and singled out the ones that I dubbed “Happyness in Action” and collected them on one page of my website.  Stories like:

Reading back through the stories reminded me of how energizing it is to learn about others who get are not only inspired to Spread Happyness — but TAKE ACTION to Spread Happyness to others!

So, if you know someone who embodies Happyness in Action — someone who has stepped up and Spread Happyness in the face of a challenge, or who’s taken that step beyond wishing or complaining and took action to benefit others — I want to hear from you!

Your Happyness Challenge for the week ahead: HAPPYNESS HUNTING!  Be on the lookout for those who are Spreading Happyness in your communities.  Read the stories above for an idea of what to look for.  And then, let me know about it!  You can email me directly at grace@spreadhappyness.com — or tell me about your nomination in the comments and I’ll contact you to find out more (and maybe feature them in a blog post)!

Spread Happyness — nominate and celebrate a Happyness Spreader you know this week!

3/3/17 by Grace Church
© Grace Church