Week #167 – Six Weeks to Happyness: Count Your Blessings!  (30 Days of Gratitude Starts Now!)

Count Your Blessings (www.spreadhappyness.com)

Week #167 – Six Weeks to Happyness: Count Your Blessings!  (30 Days of Gratitude Starts Now!)

Greetings Happyness Tribe — and Happy Holidays!

Isn’t it strange that after our single biggest day of giving thanks — we turn and face the most commercial season of the year?

It’s no secret that retailers thrive on lack to drive their profits.  And as many Americans are trying desperately to simplify the holidays — retailers seem to scream even louder to get our attention.

It turns what many desire to be a season of happiness and contentment into a season of lack and comparison.

And so, I wanted to repeat my challenge from last year…to continue giving thanks into December and give ourselves the gift of gratitude this holiday season!

(This idea was born out of my own lack of gratitude last year.  You can read about it on Week #115.)

So here it is!  A very simple, one-page calendar that you (or your kids) can hang on your wall or refrigerator and fill in each day — and a challenge to Count Your Blessings for 30 days straight!  Think you can do it?!

Your Happyness Challenge for the week ahead: COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS!  Give yourself the gift of gratitude this holiday season!  Download the 30 Days of Gratitude printable PDF and start counting your blessings today!  Come December 24th — you’ll have 30 reminders of everything that is going right and well in your life!  (And I will too!)

Spread Happyness — Share Freely!  And start counting your blessings today!

11/24/17 by Grace Church
© Grace Church

2 thoughts on “Week #167 – Six Weeks to Happyness: Count Your Blessings!  (30 Days of Gratitude Starts Now!)

  1. Anne

    I am blessed with an awareness of the gifts I have been presented with from our Father. I am loved. My health is adequate compared to others. My future holds unlimited adventures. My faith is my foundation. As a little girl i couldn’t wait to learn what tomorrow would bring. I still wondet.

    1. Grace Church Post author

      Hello Anne — and thanks for continuing to follow along! May the best be always yet to come! 😉

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