Week #186 – Notice the color of someone’s eyes!

Week #186 – Notice the color of someone’s eyes!

I heard a great tip this week and I wanted to pass it on…because it seems to have made my interactions with people a little happier!

The tip was to notice the color of someone’s eyes when you’re talking to them.

Now…notice that I used the word “notice.”  Not gaze, or stare, scrutinize, or even comment…because that would be creepy (especially if it’s a stranger)!

Just notice.

There is tons of research on body language and its overwhelming importance in overall communication…and eye contact is no small part of that.  It can signal our level of interest and intention, anger or compassion, confidence or doubt.

(And yes, I’m aware of cultural differences that might make eye contact inappropriate or unintentionally aggressive.  Use good judgment!)

But mainly, when you look someone in the eye, you affirm their existence.  You let them know you see them…and as the saying goes, it’s good to be seen!

And one way to do that is to simply take note of their eye color.

Your Happyness Challenge for the week ahead: Notice the color of someone’s eyes!  As you go through your week, make a point of noticing (again, I repeat, no-tic-ing) the color of someone’s eyes.  Start with your own family…the ones you are most intimate with.  Can you describe from memory all the flecks and splashes you see on a daily basis?  If not, you might be missing something.  Revel in those glimmers and gleams…and let people know you see them!

“The eyes are a mirror to the soul…”

Spread Happyness — and share your thoughts in the comments!

4/6/18 by Grace Church
© Grace Church