Week #188 – Are you an outlet — or a plug?

Week #188 – Are you an outlet — or a plug?

I’m working on some new stories — so this week I’m going way, way back to Week #6!

In the weeks immediately following Rob’s death I heard story after story about how he influenced, affected, touched, or otherwise blessed one person after another. When you hear all these stories at once, you wonder how one individual could spend that much time with other people — in addition to a full time job, various personal interests, and logging 50,000 miles on his car in a year!

But Rob was full of energy — pure energy. As a result, he was an outlet to most people who crossed his path — they could come to him, plug in, and get happiness. Was it a gift — or a choice? Certainly Rob was blessed with an outgoing personality.  But he also did things in his life that assured he’d have plenty of time and energy to fill himself up and fuel his own interests. He chose to eat well, exercise, sleep, drink water, say no to things he didn’t want to do, step away from unnecessary drama and distractions, and make room only for the things that lit him up. I believe that because he tended to himself FIRST — he had plenty of time/attention/love/encouragement/and insane goofiness to share with everyone he met. (Dogs, cats, parrots, snakes, butterflies and armadillos included!)

How are you doing?  Are you an outlet of “pure energy” that others can plug into — or do you find yourself looking to others to fill you up?

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: Are you an outlet — or a plug?  Do others look to you for energy — or do you find yourself looking to others to plug in?  Brainstorm a quick list of things you can do to fill yourself up FIRST — then pick ONE and follow through for yourself TODAY.  Remember to charge yourself up first — then get out there and let your PURE ENERGY light someone else’s day!

SPREAD HAPPYNESS — and share the things that fill you up!!!

4/20/18 by Grace Church
© Grace Church