Week #200 – Summer Fun List: Sit a spell!

Week #200 – Summer Fun List: Sit a spell!

Greetings Happyness Tribe — and Happy Friday!

I just returned to Los Angeles from a whirlwind weekend at the Jersey Shore!  It was another fast and busy trip centered around a yearly concert in Ocean Grove’s Great Auditorium — which happened to fall on one of the single busiest weeks of the summer.  

Between singing in the concert and visiting with family — there wasn’t much time to schedule other activities, visits, or downtime.

Which made porch-hopping so precious!!!

Porch-hopping is a special kind of visiting…no planning, no deadlines, no expectations.  You simply make yourself available and see who passes by!  It’s not a date for an entire day or evening…it’s grab-and-go.  Take what you can.  Just a few precious moments of eternal NOW.

And you learn to make it count!

For “the town where time stands still” — summers move pretty fast in Ocean Grove!  After two years in Southern California, where there’s always another beautiful day, I could feel the frenzy.  Running here, running there, trying to “get it all in.”

The only way to still time, it seemed…was to be still myself.

If you feel like your summer is flying by, going too fast, or slipping through your fingers…don’t panic.  Power down!  Make yourself available.  Sit down…and rock a while!

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: Sit a spell!  Whether you have a porch, deck, patio, balcony, or tailgate — pull up a chair, take a load off, sit a spell, have a chat, visit a bit, or rock a while!  Watch the traffic pass, cars park, people walk by, critters hard at work, nature doing her thing, or just observe the world moving about while you sit still.  Invite someone to join you.  Share a glass of something cold, have a conversation, meet a neighbor, visit with friends, or get to know just a little bit more about your very own family.

The world is moving fast…make porch time a priority this week!

Spread Happyness — tell me, what’s your favorite place for a nice long sit?

7/13/18 by Grace Church
© Grace Church