Week #206 – Summer Fun Challenge: Thank You, First Responders!

Spread Happyness…Share Freely!

Week #206 – Summer Fun Challenge: Thank You, First Responders!

Greetings Happyness Tribe!

I have been counting down the Fridays to Labor Day Weekend with some short “Summer Fun” suggestions.  Because —  as I’ve said each week — while many adults are busy planning their kids’ summer fun, they often overlook their own!

But you know who’s been working all summer long to make sure you stay safe while you’re having all that fun?

First responders.

Your police department, firehouse, or ambulance squads don’t close early on summer Fridays.  They don’t get to lock the door and call it quits for the day.  Or close up shop for a summer break.  Even lifeguards are known to stay on duty after-hours to keep on eye on evening bathers.

From the wildfires in California to the flooding in the Northeast — and every emergency and rescue in between — first responders are standing by at all hours of the day, night, weekend, and even those precious summer Fridays, to serve you in case of an emergency.


Your Happyness Challenge for the week ahead: Thank your first responders!  As you are running your last-minute back-to-school errands this week — think about stopping by your local firehouse, police station, ambulance squad (or even your local lifeguard stand) and Spread Happyness their way with a goodie bag, some cookies, or a thank you note letting them know you appreciate their being at the ready while you soak up summer with your family.  Also, feel free to share the photo above with anyone that you want to say thank you to this week!

(And if you are a first responder — I would love to hear your perspective!)

Spread Happyness — thank your first responders this week!

8/24/18 by Grace Church
© Grace Church