Week #228 – Make Time for Play!

A Bird on Every Corner (Tarzana, CA)

Week #228 – Make Time for Play!

Greetings, All — and Happy Friday!!!

Today is the last Friday of this very first month of 2019.

How’s it going?

Are you keeping up with your intentions? Building new habits? Meeting your goals? Doing all-the-things you promised yourself you would do starting January first?

Most important…are you having fun yet?

You may have charged out of the gate with your head down determined to stay on track, stick to your schedule, and succeed at all cost (to yourself)…but if you are feeling a little grumpy or worn out just 25 days into the new year, you may have sacrificed something very basic:

Some good, old fashioned fun!

Unstructured play time isn’t just for kids…for adults with routines that run like clockwork and demands that never let up, it may be even more important to make time to do…(GASP!)…nothing!

Nothing of significance, that is…like cleaning the house, or walking the dog, or balancing the budget, or paying the bills, or making dinner, or picking up the kids. Oh how we love these high-return activities!

And then we veg out in front of the TV or Facebook for an hour (or more) because we just can’t bring ourselves to do one…more…thing.

But unstructured play time pays big dividends…it refreshes us, grounds us, and may even slow down time a little!

So schedule some play time…it’s not just for kids anymore!

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: MAKE TIME TO PLAY!  It might not be every day…but look at your schedule and try to find some regular time in your week (or month) to play. If you’re not sure what to do…link arms with someone else in a similar situation and make a pact to schedule some play time together. Start small with just a few minutes or an hour of unstructured time and build from there (or build some before/after margin into an existing activity). Believe me, I know how difficult and uncomfortable it is to “do nothing” (that’s why I’m challenging myself to do the same)…but I also believe it’s totally worth it!

So…what do you do for fun?

Spread Happyness — and tell me about it in the comments!

1/25/19 by Grace Church
© Grace Church