Week #238 – Catch someone doing something RIGHT! (File a compliment!)

Week #238 – Catch someone doing something RIGHT! (File a compliment!)

Greetings Happyness Tribe!

I was reminded this week of how nice it is when someone takes the time to catch you doing something right (instead of wrong)…and reminded me of my post from Week #194:

In some industries complaints are just the default setting.  Customers often feel encouraged to grouse in order to “get something for free” — or entitled to something extra when things don’t perfectly go their way — or they just want to complain to complain.  We’ve all been on one end or the other.

But how often do we take time to write a thank you note, pay a compliment, or publicly praise someone for doing the right thing?

Social media has made it easier than ever to complain about bad service or call out individuals/companies that let us down.

The things is…it’s just as easy nowadays to say something positive!  đź™‚

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: Catch someone doing something RIGHT! Has someone delivered for you?  Did they come through in a pinch, perform with flying colors, or go above and beyond to make sure you had a good experience?  Better yet, have you had to stand by and witness someone handle a difficult situation with grace and ease? If so, call them out on their GOOD BEHAVIOR…and file a COMPLIMENT!

(And businesses/employers…if you receive compliments, be sure to share them with your staff just a readily as you would a complaint.  It doesn’t hurt to reward your top performers, either!)

Spread Happyness — file a COMPLIMENT this week!

4/5/19 by Grace Church
© Grace Church