Week #249 – Summer Fun: The Power of…Playlists!

Week #249 – Summer Fun: The Power of…Playlists!

This week I’m flashing back to Week #37 and The Power of…the Playlist!

During one particular summer growing up…a newly released movie called “Back to the Future” featured a little ditty by a guy named Huey Lewis.  “The Power of Love” became a mega-hit that year…and you could hear it playing EVERYWHERE you went.

Every time I hear it, it’s a reminder of that time — probably the first summer my brother and I ever went to Great Adventure, where it seemed to be playing every single time. (FYI — Great Adventure is what people from New Jersey used to call Six Flags!)

Today, it carries more than just the memories of a theme park. Now it reminds me of my brother and all the summers we shared together. All the miles we drove to ride roller coasters and water slides and watch fireworks.  Memories that are just as much alive today as the day he died…and will be forever.

Which, strangely, brings a smile to my face. Because that’s the Power of Love…indeed!

Your assignment for the week: What’s on your summer playlist?  What songs take you back to good times, fun times, happy times?  As a kid, we’d assemble all those songs individually and then record them on a “mix” tape.  (Maybe we’d even give them to someone special!)  Now your phone can do it for you!  With today’s technology we are never far away from happy memories.  Assemble yourself a playlist…and remind your body (and your brain) how it feels to have the time of your life!

Spread Happyness — roll down your windows and blast that music!

(And share your favorite summer songs in the comments!)

6/21/19 by Grace Church
© Grace Church
