Week #266 – Procrastinator Alert: Plan Your Thanksgiving 5-Day Weekend Now!

“Welcome Fall!” (photo credit: Grace Church)

Week #266 – Procrastinator Alert: Plan Your Thanksgiving 5-day Weekend Now!

Greetings All — and Happy Friday!!!

I’m taking this month of October to look ahead.  Maybe too far ahead for some!  But recently I theorized that, with time moving faster than ever, the only way to seemingly slow it down is to plan ahead!!!

Last week I reminded you to gather up your Halloween materials/costumes, so that you’re ready to join in the fun as soon as it presents itself (which might be as early as this weekend)!

This week, I want to look ahead to the most wonderful time of year — that Thanksgiving 4-day (sometimes 5-day) weekend!

Thanksgiving falls on the latest date possible this year (the 28th)…so it feels like a million miles away.  And because of the length of the weekend and the lack of obligatory gift-giving it seems like there will be so much time.

Yet every year, Thanksgiving weekend catches me by surprise!  No sooner have I watched the parade and eaten one too many bites of pumpkin pie and I wake up Friday…with a lot of time on my hands, and no plan! (Or too much to do and not as much time as I thought!)

There has to be an in-between.  And this year I’m determined to find it! Starting with:

Wednesday — First of all, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day is one of the busiest travel days of the year.  So if you’re traveling, consider hitting the road or the airport earlier in the day/week.  That way, you can get where you’re going by the time everyone else is leaving — and partake in…

Friends-Giving — The Wednesday night before Thanksgiving is rumored to be the busiest bar night of the year.  With everyone back home to visit family, it’s an unplanned homecoming of sorts.  Don’t overlook this opportunity to gather with friends, blow off some steam, and fuel up on good vibes that will carry you through Thanksgiving Day. There are also many ecumenical “Thanksgiving Eve” services — and, if you’re in New York, the parade balloon inflation!

Thursday/Thanksgiving Day — If you love the parade (like I do), make sure to check your local listing and make it clear to everyone that you are tuning in to watch.  (If you’re going to the parade, even better!)  Same with football, the dog show, or It’s a Wonderful life…be sure to communicate your Thanksgiving Day traditions to your family and schedule around them.  Also — if you work out regularly, don’t skip this day!  Make sure you have time to get out and get your workout in before heading off to sit/eat/nap/argue about politics for the rest of the day!  Most important, remember what this day is all about…gratitude.  If you’re lucky enough to spend it with family, enjoy them to the fullest extent you can (and then leave)!  😉

Friday After/Black Friday — Whatever your Thanksgiving Friday traditions are, be sure to have a plan in place to execute and enjoy your day.  Whether you are shopping, baking, decorating, or getting out in nature — make sure you have everything you need at the ready to enjoy it.  This is the day I often got caught short…I used to shop with my sister/mom every black Friday but as our schedules changed and we couldn’t get together I found myself floundering.  If you are mourning traditions that are no longer in place, this might be the year to create a new one!

Saturday/Small Business Saturday — I know it’s a gimmick by AmEx to keep us shopping but Saturday is a great day to explore/support your hometown or other small town.  It’s also a good day to decorate, send holiday cards, visit family you may have missed, or just relax and enjoy your house!

Sunday/First Sunday of Advent — As I mentioned a few weeks ago, 2019 will see the shortest possible holiday “shopping season” with only 26 days between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Whatever your First Day of Advent traditions are, make sure you have them in place to usher in the holiday season.  Otherwise, for those of you going back to work/school on Monday — this is a great day to stick close to home and give yourself some time to prepare/ease yourself into the long week (and short season) ahead!

Sorry if it bums you out talking about December 1st already…but by planning ahead, it might just be possible to anticipate and enjoy the season that much more. 

I’m willing to give it a try…are you?

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: Plan your Thanksgiving 4- or 5-day weekend now! Walk yourself through each day, maybe even in reverse, and think through (or discuss) how you want to spend them. Will you have friends in town? Are there movies to see? Family to visit? Traditions to keep? If you’re traveling can you leave early/come home later to save yourself from traffic? And if you’re going to be on the road all weekend — maybe you want to schedule an extra day off for yourself before going back to school/work. Finally, if you’re like me and you work through most of the holiday — how can you create meaningful pockets of time to stop and celebrate with others?

Spread Happyness — tell me, how do you plan to spend the long Thanksgiving Weekend?

10/18/19 by Grace Church
© Grace Church