Week #288 – Just Spread Happyness

“There are two ways of spreading light…” (Edith Wharton)

Week #288 – Just Spread Happyness

Greetings Tribe:

Last week I said some weeks are happier than others…well, these are some dark times.

I’d normally be writing about the Spring Equinox right about now…in fact, it was today at 8:50p PT. The earliest vernal equinox in more than a century.

But no one noticed. And no one cared. Because at about the same time, California was issuing a state-wide “safer-at-home” mandate. Which is a fancy way of saying, “shelter in place.”

New stats today predicted that more than 50% of Californians will become infected with the Coronavirus in the next eight weeks. The “safer at home” order is a desperate attempt to slow the progress so that everyone doesn’t become sick at once and overwhelm our hospitals.

On one hand, I’m glad we’re starting now. The sooner we start, God willing, the sooner we come out the other side…healthy.

In the meantime, like most of you, I’ve suddenly found myself spending more and more time on social media. So many people are complaining about the news…but honestly, it’s my NEWSFEED that brings me down the most. We know the media is selling commercial airtime…but what are YOU selling?

Tomorrow, I’ll regain my bearings. For tonight I just want to say: Spread Happyness.

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: Just Spread Happyness. Think before you post. There’s the old adage: “Is it true, is it kind, is it necessary?” But also, is it hopeful? Helpful? Happy? There is an Edith Wharton quote I used frequently after 9/11:

“There are two ways of spreading light…to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.”
(Edith Wharton)

Spread Light, Spread Love — and for everyone’s sake please, Spread Happyness.

3/20/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church