Week #291 – How’s everybody doing out there?

Week #291 – How’s everybody doing out there?

Greetings Tribe — Happy (and Healthy) Friday to you all!

(And a Happy Passover and Easter Week to all who are celebrating!)

Last week, I challenged myself to take some of my own advice. And this week I thought I’d do the same.

I’m flashing back to Week #13 and remembering a phrase that was left on Rob’s “word board” at his wake:

“Hey, how ya’ doing?”

This is a question we hear in passing every single day (How are ya?  How ya’ doing?) — but few people really intend to get an answer.  As many of you know, my brother Rob was not a casual question asker-er.  When he asked you something — he meant it.  He wanted to know the answer — and he was prepared to take the time to get it.  He wasn’t afraid of an honest answer either.  In fact, he seemed to delight in it!  I’d venture a guess that much of the happiness in our individual relationships with him was built on this kind of ease and honesty.  It is one of the things I selfishly miss the most.

And so, I’m taking my own advice from Week #13:

My Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: How are you doing out there? (For real!) Are you keeping it together? Falling apart? Feeling overwhelmed? Sad? Angry? (That would be me on occasion!) Have you figured out a way to start something new in this “new normal” — or are you struggling to just get your pants on in the morning? Is there anything I can do to help or encourage or celebrate with you?  Because…and this is true…I believe in you!

Spread Happyness this week…and tell me how you’re doing!

4/10/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church
