Week #293 – Thanks to Everyone on the Frontline!

“Spread Happyness…Share Freely.” (Grace Church)

Week #293 – Thanks to Everyone on the Frontline!

Greetings Tribe — and Happy (and Healthy) Friday!

As talk turns to re-opening America, I want to take a moment to publicly thank everyone working on the front line during our current health crisis.

And I mean Ev-ery-one.

There are too many professionals to name…too many “essential” workers to list.

You know why? Because we’re finding out…you’re all pretty darned essential.

Your Happyness Challenge for the week ahead: Thanks to Everyone on the Frontline!  While many of us are able to stay “safe at home” — many others continue to go to work in the face of uncertain or even questionable conditions. As you are out and about this week, consider those you encounter who are still showing up to serve you — and be sure to thank them for being there.

(And if you are considered “essential” — I’d love to hear how people are appreciating you!)

Spread Happyness — Thanks to Everyone on the Frontline!

4/24/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church