Week #302 – Find the Cracks (…and Flourish!)

Find the Cracks... (photo credit: Grace Church)
Find the cracks… (photo credit: Grace Church)

Week #302 – Find the Cracks (…and Flourish!)

Good Morning, All – and Happy Friday!

As re-opening continues across the country, a strange phenomenon is occurring…many people are feeling MORE limited now than during the shut down. 

How can that be?

Well, for one, during the shut-down closures were crystal clear — and therefore more easily acceptable. There was a long list of things we simply could not do — which made it easier to focus on the short list of things we could do!  So there was lots of decluttering, baking, home improvement projects, and maybe some writing.  Things that under normal circumstances, we didn’t always “have time for.” 

Now that things — and options — are opening up, our choices are opening up too. And that requires cognitive decision making on our part: should we, shouldn’t we, is it smart to do this, safe to do that, wiser to wait and see, etc?

So now, without the simple certainty of “can’t do’s” — we are suddenly overwhelmed with uncertain and complex consideration of could-dos, if-onlys, and we’ll sees. 

The irony is, limitations sometimes set us free to focus our energy on what matters most right in front of us. Like the weed in the photo. There’s only one way…and that’s up, through that crack in the pavement. Less than ideal circumstances for sure…but he’s going for it!

Our longing for “normal” is totally, well…normal. Just the thought of it  — even with whatever troubles existed before — brings a sense of ease and relief. If we could just get things back to the way they once were…everything would be ok. Right?

I don’t know. There’s a lot of hyperbole about “normal” not having been so great in the first place and instead looking to a brighter, more clearer, future. Only time will tell. In the meantime, there is a crack in the pavement.  

We might long for an open field…but for the now the sun is shining on this spot. Find the openings, whatever they are…and take root. Grow as tall and strong and proud as you can right now, right where you are, with the resources you have.

Find the cracks…and flourish!

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: Find the cracks…and flourish! Whatever limitations you are facing (and I am too, trust me)…try to embrace them, and fend off overwhelm. Just because everything is “opening up” doesn’t mean you have to!  Find the cracks that suit you, that feel safe to you, that nurture you and your family…and flourish!

Spread Happyness — Find the Cracks (…and Flourish!)

6/26/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church