Week #314 – Welcome Fall! (Celebrate the first days of Autumn!)

“Welcome Fall!” (photo credit: Grace Church)

Week #314 – Welcome Fall! (Celebrate the first days of Autumn!)

(This topic is an annual favorite — and always worth revisiting!)

Greetings All — and Happy Friday!

The Autumnal Equinox will occur at 3:30am ET this Tuesday, September 22nd.  That’s right…just in case you need a reminder: it is September. And, as far as I know, Fall is still the next season on the calendar! (I won’t tempt 2020 to do something crazy with that!)

The equinox is the exact moment when the sun shines equally on both sides of the Equator.  The word itself means “equal night” — as these days are marked by equal parts sunlight and darkness.

And for a moment — perfect balance. (Can you imagine that?)

Normally, the “end” of Summer is a sad time: light fades, the air cools, summer flowers surrender. This year-of-all-years, I know more than one beach bum who isn’t sorry to see summer go, or fall, or winter for that matter! Just beam us up into 2021, right?

Whether you’re on Team Summer, Team Fall, or Team Anything-But-2020 — I hope you managed to make some good memories this summer.  But if not, don’t despair.  Another 13-week season starts Tuesday!  A new beginning, a new quarter, and for many a new year ahead!

This equinox gives us the perfect opportunity to step back, take stock, re-balance — and to finish the year strong!

Your Happyness Challenge for the Week Ahead: WELCOME FALL!  Welcome this season of harvest, storage, and preparation by turning inward for a moment: take stock in yourself, make room for only what’s necessary, and set a goal or direction for the next three months — no matter what life is going to throw at you.  The Winter Solstice is thirteen weeks away. The next quarter is going to pass one way or another…and soon 2020 will be gone.

Ask yourself: how do you want to spend this season?!

Some ideas:

  1. DECORATE — this is the easiest way to mark the change of seasons.  Don’t wait for the leaves to turn or for Halloween decorations to appear (in some stores, they’re already gone!). Get out your scarecrows and pumpkins and give yourself a visual cue that a new season has arrived.  WELCOME IT!
  2. CLEAN — there is a lot of talk of “Spring” cleaning at the Vernal Equinox — but Fall has it’s own cleaning and decluttering rituals too.  As we turn our focus inward to our homes — it makes sense that we would declutter and clean in preparation for the indoor months ahead.  Use this time to get rid of things you no longer need — and make room for the things that will sustain and nurture you through the dark and cold of winter.  MAKE ROOM FOR IT!
  3. SET NEW GOALS — Just like cleaning and decluttering makes room in our homes, cleaning and decluttering of the mind makes room in our psyche.  Every thirteen weeks we are given the opportunity to start a “new season.”  Start this Fall with a little quiet time to consider what you’d like to accomplish by the END of this year, what obligations or habits you need to shed to make that possible, and what new resources you may need to help you get there!  DREAM ABOUT IT!
  4. PLAN FALL FUN — NOW is the time to look at your fall calendar (October/November/December) and find a way to continue with the activities you like best.  Harvest festivals, haunted houses, and crowded football games may be out this year…but apple picking, foliage tours, and that one last Indian Summer day at the shore are all sure things! Think about the things that bring you joy this time of year and find a way to get to a YES. Then PLAN IT!
  5. START TALKING ABOUT THE HOLIDAYS NOW — This one is a little controversial because nobody likes to be rushed into the holidays…but especially this year-of-all-years, waiting until November 27th to start talking about how the holidays are going to look is too late!  Don’t let restrictions steal your JOY this year. Just like the Whos Down in Whoville…Christmas is coming one way or another! GET OUT AHEAD OF IT!

At the very least — set aside time this weekend to think about what you need to feel happy in the 13 weeks ahead!

Remember — it takes a happy person to Spread Happyness!

Spread Happyness — share your favorite Autumn rituals and activities in the comments!

9/18/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church