Week #317 – Procrastinator Alert: Plan Your Halloween NOW!

Neighborhood Ghosts (photo credit: Grace Church)

Week #317 – Procrastinator Alert: Plan Your Halloween NOW!

Greetings Tribe — and Happy Friday!

Halloween may seem like a month away…but this year-of-all-years it’s going to be more important than ever to plan ahead!

Do you have a plan?

Normally, I’d be asking you if you have your costume picked out yet…but THIS year I’m asking if you even have a plan? Because with different states/localities in various stages of shut-down…we can’t rely on our regular norms and traditions.

This year, we may need to get REALLY creative. (And in a pandemic…creative isn’t always easy!)

First, find out what your locality is doing.

Some neighborhoods are allowing trick-or-treating and others are not. Some have banned activities that draw crowds in close quarters while others are encouraging anything that keeps people outside and at a distance. Before you get caught by surprise by what’s allowed/not allowed to happen…find out ahead of time what you can do to observe and participate in the holiday safely. Then come up with a plan that works for YOU.

Second, get busy celebrating!

Whatever you decide to do…run with it! Do you normally decorate your house? Maybe this is the year you go ALL OUT. Do you normally provide snacks/beverages for passers-by? Maybe this is the year you up your investment with individually packaged items. Are there other parents in your neighborhood asking the same questions? Maybe this is an opportunity to get together and come up with a group plan that satisfies the collective itch while keeping everyone safe in their bubble.

Third, be open to new traditions.

This year-of-all-years promises to be VERY different from anything we’ve ever seen before. I know it’s hard to accept. It’s tremendously sad to see the simplest of pleasures become the most questionable of activities. I’m with you. But keep courage, my friends…and press on. Heed the NO-s…but seek out and amplify the YES-es!

Turns out, staying positive may be the oldest “trick” in the book!

Your Happyness Challenge for the week ahead: Plan Your Halloween NOW! Saturday, October 31st is going to come around one way or another. I know it’s tempting to stick our heads in the sand and “wait to see” what happens. Don’t do that to yourself (or your kids). Come up with a game plan…even if it’s a Plan A, B, and Z. In this real-life fun-house-of-horrors…this is the year to be ready for whatever surprises are lurking around the next corner!

Spread Happyness — share your Halloween plans in the comments!

10/9/20 by Grace Church
© Grace Church